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New feature: Widgets

Each Meeting Mojo website comes with a complete set of webpage and email templates already in place to get your event off to a smooth start. You can make the website your own by adding your conference banner, and your own text, graphics and links. You can go even further by applying your conference styling […]

Cyber Essentials Certified? Check ✔️

Here at Meeting Mojo we take Cyber Security seriously. We’re committed to cybersecurity for all our customers. That’s why we’re really proud to share that we’ve gained our Cyber Essentials Certificate! Cyber Essentials is a UK government-backed certification scheme that is also GDPR-compliant. It covers the essential actions a business should take to protect itself […]

Powerful event software and features

Continuing with our features series this month we’ve introduced instant chat moderation to enhance the management of online sessions. Responding to our customers needs, we recognise that moderation for live sessions is key as many of us continue to run events digitally or as a hybrid. Meeting Mojo continues to support digital, hybrid and in-person […]

New feature: Instant Chat Moderation

We’ve introduced a Moderation feature alongside our instant chat boards for live sessions to enable quick and easy moderation. During Live Streamed Sessions or breakout rooms our live chat board has been a popular interactive feature enabling session viewers to interact and participate via instant messaging. We’ve now enhanced this feature by introducing moderator controls […]

New Feature: Instant Access Tokens

Login fatigue is a prominent hazard when you have had to work online for a year or more. This has become a major issue for event managers who often have to deploy several platforms to deliver enough features for a virtual event. Attendees complain that they often need several sets of login credentials to access […]