How long does it take to set up a Meeting Mojo system?
In a world of ‘instant’, Meeting Mojo was designed to make a complicated service easy to deliver. You can set up our system online in minutes, ready to provide a 1:1 meeting booking service for your delegates.
In our experience – now 10 years and counting – you’ll want a bit more than the basics. 1:1 meetings are interactive, so if your delegates are serious about finding business partners, they may spend up to half an hour, or more, on the website you’ve set up. They’ll be spending this time setting out their personal and/or company profile online, finding prospects via our integrated filter, composing invitational messages to send with meeting requests, and setting up their own availability.
You can use their attention to promote your brand, and your sponsors. Meeting Mojo websites include header and footer banners as standard, but you can also edit all of the content pages, and access the styling to make the whole 1:1 site look and feel like it belongs in your event. You can even ‘park’ your conference web address on it.