On location

Recently, a new customer trialed our software, discussed their 1:1 needs with one of our account managers, and bought in. A week later, they became concerned that they would not have enough resources to handle 1:1 meetings at the venue, and asked us to provide venue wranglers. Our manager found this surprising, as Meeting Mojo staff are almost never onsite.

This led to an internal discussion that took us back to our first years when we almost always did attend the events we supported. We rapidly found that the automated features and easy of access we’d designed into the system, meant that most users only needed to know where the meeting rooms were. Pretty soon we realized that being paid to stand around conference venues with nothing much to do was hurting our efficiency and, more importantly, hurting our customers’ budgets.

Our manager spent some time explaining to the customer how smoothly the day would go, and how we are always on hand to help, via a number of communication routes. With hundreds of Meeting Mojo 1:1 systems running across the globe, and tens of thousands of meetings, we get fewer than 5 help requests per year from venue staff. The customer saved a big chunk of money by going with our advice – and in the end, didn’t need to contact us at all.