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Hidden Agendas

A customer recently asked why our platform didn’t provide a service she needed. The surprise answer was, “Yes, we do”, which made us realise how little we do to promote some of our shiniest features. So we’ve decided to dust off a few of these and bring them out of their dimly lit corners to […]

1 million meetings and counting

This week, the latest version of our software recorded its millionth 1:1 meeting. It’s already well past that milestone figure, with new meetings clocking up every minute, 24 hours a day. Racking up impressive statistics is not all Meeting Mojo is about, however. The thing that gives us the most pride is delivery. As we […]

Meeting Mojo Tracking

All Meeting Mojo systems integrate with Google Analytics, allowing you to track activity on your 1:1 system via your own GA Account. It’s a great way to find out things like peak times, so you can target reminders when you have maximum audience attention. You can also see how, and for how long your attendees […]

Speaking your language

Most delegates attending a business event expect to meet people and converse in a language they both understand. Although English may be the common language for many international events, a lot of delegates meet others who speak their mother tongue. They also are a lot more comfortable using a website that has been translated into […]

Setting the Pace

Event managers know that every event is different. To accommodate this, off-the-shelf event management software needs to be as versatile as possible, providing endless combinations of features to fit agendas, activities and venues. Meeting Mojo provides versatility by making almost every feature optional – on/off or with several different operating modes. We call these ‘settings’, […]