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Synchronized meeting magic

Wouldn’t it be great if you could connect your registration app to the world’s most versatile online 1:1 meeting platform so your attendees can start booking meetings within minutes of signing up for your event? It’s been a long road but we’ve just released a new synchronization feature in collaboration with Zapier. It’s a beta […]

Hidden Agendas

A customer recently asked why our platform didn’t provide a service she needed. The surprise answer was, “Yes, we do”, which made us realise how little we do to promote some of our shiniest features. So we’ve decided to dust off a few of these and bring them out of their dimly lit corners to […]

More server power for more meetings

In just a year since our last server upgrade, we found the new server was already approaching its limits. The reason? Up to 3,000 event attendees now use Meeting Mojo each day to schedule business meetings! Not only has our client base expanded – in major countries around the world – but more meetings are […]

What’s in a name?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) reviews always tell you to improve your internet search engine ranking by including keywords that describe your product. If you’re selling clothing, for example, this is fairly straightforward as words like shoes, shirts and dresses are commonplace in speech and the written word. But even in the events industry, ‘one-to-one meetings‘ […]

1 million meetings and counting

This week, the latest version of our software recorded its millionth 1:1 meeting. It’s already well past that milestone figure, with new meetings clocking up every minute, 24 hours a day. Racking up impressive statistics is not all Meeting Mojo is about, however. The thing that gives us the most pride is delivery. As we […]