The modern professional workday is dominated by input from computers and electronic devices conveying huge amounts of information that vie for our attention. Every event organizer knows that this is a marketplace where they need to be shouting loud and often. If you are providing 1:1 meetings as an ROI feature of your event, you […]
Archive | On the subject…
RSS feed for this sectionSetting up meetings for your delegates
Some events attract sponsors by promising them 1:1 meetings with pre-qualified potential customers who will also be attending. This ‘hosted buyer’ or ‘concierge meeting service’ can be a huge attraction, if only you can deliver! Half the battle is in making relevant matches, avoiding clashes with other activities, and preparing professional-looking meeting schedules to send […]
What constitutes a ‘good’ 1:1 meeting project?
A few days ago, one of our clients asked, “How does the number of meetings at my event stack up against those of your other customers?” This simple question could be answered equally simply: you have more/less than the statistical averages we calculate for each type of event. But 1:1 meetings are created by real […]
On location
Recently, a new customer trialed our software, discussed their 1:1 needs with one of our account managers, and bought in. A week later, they became concerned that they would not have enough resources to handle 1:1 meetings at the venue, and asked us to provide venue wranglers. Our manager found this surprising, as Meeting Mojo […]
No profile?
Why do some delegate-users not add an online profile? On Meeting Mojo, all profiles are displayed in a searchable listing, helping to attract meeting requests from delegates with relevant interests, and to encourage meeting requestees to respond by providing requestors’ business or biographical information. A useful feature, and we take pains to ensure that users […]